When I left the island of Puerto Rico I had no plans of returning back. There was too much I wanted to forget and too much I wanted to experience. I knew there was a stony road ahead filled with uncertainty and challenges, but I also knew there were pleasant memories to collect and surprising experiences I had hungered for all my life. It was ultimately the road that would forge my character and ignited the passion to live fully every single day. 

       It is said that when we travel and live aboard we come  to the realization that "there's no place like home". But that was not my case! I was fascinated with my life and new experiences. As an anthropology graduate, discovering new cultures is my passion. I was energized from noticing how that which we deem exotic is not so different from the norm.  There's always a connection that unifies us across borders, and finding that "click" that connects us as groups or individuals fascinates me to my core. Yet life had a different plan for me, one that disrupted the certainty I was holding on to and the dreams I was finally experiencing. 

       When our dreams are snatched from us, we learn the value of starting over. Returning to Puerto Rico was to an extent forced against my desires. But life, as we all know, has a mysterious way of reshaping us in the direction it deems proper to our story. In a blink of an eye I was right where I had started. 

       As a single mother I was furious to face a life where I had uncertainty and lack of control. Life was forcing me to live without expectations, life was forcing me to let the waves carry me through. So I let go; and in time, to my surprise, I realized that letting go was the right way to life. I used all the anger inside me to my advantage as it gave me the strength to get off my daily routine and experience life from a new perspective. 

     After a while I realized it was no coincidence I was back in the island. I was able to see and experience the cultural diversity I was searching for, right in my backyard! Returning home helped me realize that we don't find ourselves, we build ourselves right back from the ashes of our life experiences and the roads ahead in our foreseeable future.  I know  is a "cliche", but what seemed like a half empty glass was in fact half full. This new mindset allowed me to see that the turmoil the island was facing due to natural disasters and human error, was in fact reshaping the island positively. 

    I realized how a storm can clean forests by forcing the old trees to fall down so that the new ones can rise up; It is the natural circle of life. And out of the debris left by the storm a new way of life was born. Forged by a wave of young entrepreneurs that are reshaping the islands businesses and our entire way of life. A realization that inspired me to write, to tell the world we are here and we have a lot to offer. 

       My Blog will cover all my favorite new spots around the Island, with detailed descriptions of their service, and my perceived experience as a guest. My goal is ultimately to entice you into visiting us, crave our food, dance to our music, or fall in love with the beauty we have to offer. Welcome, and I hope you enjoy my travels throughout the island of Puerto Rico.


  1. I am so looking forward to seeing and reading about these new places. Good luck on your adventure!

  2. No pudiste decirlo mejor!! Somos únicos en nuestra diversidad.


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